Our experience at your service
The company
Metalvar New was created with the aim of spreading the culture of coating nationally and internationally.
Metalvar New Srl was established during the early ’90s encompassing the main aim of developing surface treatment of metal on behalf of third parties and with the idea of spreading cold ceramic and metallic coatings in our country, giving the market a substantial number of applications as an alternative to classic welding coatings and hard plating.
Over the years the company focused on innovation, investing its own resources to get in step with times, providing its customers with a full production product.
The current headquarters of Travedona Monate (VA), located in a quiet industrial area close to the lake Maggiore, was inaugurated in 2010. The operating area is built on 3.500 m2 covered and distribuited on three spans 90 metres long and served by 35 t maximum load cranage capacity.
The first span is dedicated to the work shop. This area is managed in a flexible way: there are HASS milling CNC machines with 4 and 5 axes, vertical and horizontal lathe turning machines, round grinding machines, flat-surface grinding machines and balls grinders. Nowadays, the company has the ability to set up workpieces for the coating process and to complete all types of coatings internally.

In March 2022 Metalvar New opens its new production site in Magnago, province of Varese. In this context slurry coatings on turbine components and fluoroplymer coatings such as PTFE, FPA, FEP, ECTFE and PEEK are performed. Over 1000 m2 of production area are equipped with the most modern technologies so as to optimise costs, quality and delivery times.

2014 is a year full of emotions for the company. After over 50 years of business in the sector, Bruno Crugnola, the partner, ends his career. Although these years are characterised by a deep-seated economic crisis, the family decides to take over 100% of company shares, becoming a family-run business with great desire to grow. In a few years the turnover triples and the number of collaborators exceeds sixty units.

After only two years, on the 25th July 2009, the new headquarters of Travedona Monate is opened. The project is ambitious, going from a small productive area of 800 m2, to an area of 3,500 m2 covered on a 10,000 m2 site. Metalvar New becomes a small industry for all practical purposes. In addition to the building, the ownership invests also in technologies by purchasing the metallographic laboratory and the first HVOF system.

During a long convalescence period due to a disastrous cycling accident, Sandro Crivelli decides that the time has come to make an important breakthrough in the company. He decides to enlarge the productive area, so the construction of the current headquarters of Travedona Monate begins the following year. In the same year Fabio Crivelli, his son, starts working his way up at the company.

Metalvar New was established in 1991 by founders Bruno Crugnola, a long-standing businessman of Varese, and Sandro Crivelli, former sales manager of Sulzer Metco company, today Oerlikon Metco. Thanks to the experience gained by Sandro Crivelli in the thermal spray sector, Metalvar New obtains its first important orders from ILVA company.
The entire production line has been designed to manage both large production batches and limited numbers of pieces in a timely and optimal manner.
This allows Metalvar New to better meet the needs of its customers, managing to combine the quality of the works produced, the promptness of deliveries and the competitiveness of the price.
With a covered productive area of 3,500 m², Metalvar New is able to perform all types of requested coatings
The second and third spans are dedicated to the coating area, the main activity of the company. Metalvar New employs different types of processes to perform its coatings: the main ones are 5 PLASMA systems, 3 HVOF systems, 3 electric arc wire spray systems and 6 combustion wire spray systems. Spraying devices are installed in special soundproofed cabins and they work interacting with specific robots.
The whole production line was designed to manage optimally and promptly both large and small production batches. These measures allow Metalvar New to satisfy its customers needs in the best way possible, ensuring the highest quality, the best price and rapid deliveries.